Blogging, Friendship

Meeting Gideon Sock Puppet

I follow a delightful blog called “Dr. Sock Writes Here” by Gideon Sock Puppet. Immediately, I was intrigued by the name (which I never could figure out)! Once inside, I found intelligent and whimsical posts ranging on diverse topics of writing, painting, researching, teaching, skiing, gardening, cooking, hiking, literature and turning points…to name only a few! I was hooked and began regularly following along. I especially loved the author’s wonderings on retirement. Not yet retired, Dr. Sock was definitely flirting with the idea. I actually think back fondly to that stage. My foot firmly planted in two different worlds. Could I? Could I really? And if I really could…should I or shouldn’t I?

Dr. Sock is Canadian (another instant connection) and currently lives in a province that neighbours mine. In a recent post, she mentioned that she was spending the month of December in my small island town. Now that’s pretty cool…not many people vacation here in the winter! So, after my successful get-together with Janis from RetirementallyChallenged I sent Dr. Sock an invitation for coffee. She graciously accepted. We had our meet-up last week.

Once again, meeting a virtual friend in person for the first time felt uncannily like I was meeting an old friend that I had known forever. (Other than my initial embarrassment when the restaurant host asked me what my friend, who I said I would be meeting, looked like. Honestly, I had no idea! She never posts photos of herself!)

Dr. Sock also goes by the name of Jude. Almost instantly, Jude and I talked non-stop about family, passions, joys and fears. We, of course, spoke about blogging, work, and retirement (viz. should she or shouldn’t she?). We shared personal stories that I could never have imagined telling someone whose face I had not seen previously. But I had already seen her artwork (featured above), knew details about her family and could easily recognize her writing style. It’s a strange feeling knowing someone so well, who you truly have never met.

Jude and I have already planned to get together again. If you are looking for an engaging read filled with insight, joy, wonder and inspiration, you can check out her blog here.

Oh, and if you are wondering about her blog’s title (as I had been for months), Jude revealed that it actually means nothing at all. “I never actually intended to be a blogger,” she began. “I needed a quick blog for a course that I was doing. I give it no pre-thought. At the last minute, I realized that it needed a title. Earlier in my life, I had a sock puppet named Gideon. I have no idea how that idea came to me at the time. It just did.”

I am delighted that Jude has maintained her “quick blog” for over eight years. I am equally pleased that she has kept its original title. Fun, quirky and playful, this name hints perfectly at the unexpected adventures that you will surely find inside. Give it a try. I bet you won’t be disappointed!

13 thoughts on “Meeting Gideon Sock Puppet”

    1. Hi, Tom – I fully agree. It is an amazing experience to finally meet in person a fellow-blogger whom you have been following. If you ever find yourself on Vancouver Island, please let me know. The coffee will be ready!


  1. These meet-ups are so fantastic! I would almost go as far as to say that they are the best part about blogging. The connection, the understanding for someone you have never met. We met a couple of bloggers/sailors over the summer, and just recently, we met another couple (from Canada!) that has been inspiring me for months with their blog as well (Sue and David from Travel Tales of Life, not sure whether you are following them). It was an instant success and the four of us had an amazing evening!


    1. Thanks, Liesbet – I hadn’t come across Sue and David’s blog previously. I will definitely look it up now. Thanks for the recommendation!


  2. Yay, another meet-up! I wish I could have joined you. It really is amazing how connected you can feel with someone you’ve never met face-to-face before. Funny story about her blog name… eight years is a long time to keep any blog going, let alone one that was supposed to be temporary.

    Thanks for the link to her blog. If you like it, I’m sure I will also!


    1. Thanks, Janis – The idea of three or more bloggers getting together at the same time, face-to-face, is also exiting. There definitely would be much to talk about!!


  3. Hi Donna! Yes to meeting other bloggers! I actually met Janis and her husband a couple of years ago so I can relate to the great feeling of meeting and chatting with a new friend. Plus, it is always fun to hear how we find each other. You didn’t say where you met Janis…if you are ever again in the southern California area–let me know. Would love to get together with you both. ~Kathy


    1. Hi, Kathy – Earlier this year I met Janis virtually when I was browsing through retirement blogs. One read and I was hooked! Thank you for the offer to meet up the next time that I am in Southern California. My husband and I were just discussing our next trip there. I’ll definitely keep you posted. Thanks for commenting!


  4. Okay, that’s funny about her blog name. Maybe that’s the way to go rather then the hours I spent thinking up mine! 🙂 How nice you got to meet another blogger, Donna.


  5. Awww, Donna, you are too kind. It was so much fun to meet up with you for tea, and I am looking forward to our next get-together.

    For those of us who came of age pre-Internet, it is fun to explore the potential of social media for merging virtual and face-to-face friendships and as a ongoing component of existing relationships. Facebook, blogs, texting, email – they are part of our everyday lives now. I know a few people who met their life partner through online dating sites.

    I do think writing has long been a way of making and deepening friendships. In pre-Internet days, I had pen pals. When one of my closest childhood friends moved away to a different town at age 9, we wrote each other lengthy letters illustrated with coloured markers. We are still best friends 50 years later. However, the Internet has sure made it easier.

    All this to say, let’s stay in touch!


  6. I don’t know how I managed to miss this post from a month ago!

    Meeting a virtual friend and having the opportunity to make them a ‘real’ friend is priceless! I’ve loved every meet-up I’ve had, and I’m not surprised your’s was also wonderful 🙂


    1. Hi, Joanne – Thanks so much for commenting on this post. I’ve loved the blogger meet-ups that I have had so far. I am hopeful that I will have the opportunity for many more. I will definitely contact you the next time that I am in Toronto!


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